The American Urogynecologic Society (AUGS) is the premier nonprofit organization representing professionals dedicated to treating pelvic floor disorders. Founded in 1979, AUGS represents more than 2,000 members, including practicing physicians, nurse practitioners, physical therapists, nurses and health care professionals, and researchers from many disciplines.
For members and constituents, AUGS is the primary source of clinical and scientific information and education in Urogynecology and Reconstructive Pelvic Surgery. As the leader in urogynecology, AUGS drives excellence in care for women through education, research, advocacy and interdisciplinary collaboration
AUGS Position Statement: Vaginal Pessary Use and Management for Pelvic Organ Prolapse
February 19th 2024The purpose of this clinical consensus statement is to identify areas of expert consensus and nonconsensus regarding pessary fitting, follow-up, and management of pessary complications to improve the safety and quality of care where evidence is currently limited.
Postoperative Urinary Retention – AUGS Publications Committee Interview
September 26th 2023Dr. Kate Meriwether, AUGS Publications Committee member, interviews Dr Colleen McDermott, the first author of the Clinical Consensus Statement “Postoperative Urinary Retention,” to provide an overview and highlight the findings of the document.