“I am concerned about decreased federal support impacting urologic clinical practices and research progress,” Arthur L. Burnett, II, MD, MBA, told Urology Times.
How will health care change in 2017?
USPSTF reform: PSA at forefront of Capitol Hill hearing
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Prior paid malpractice claims linked to increased risk of future claims
February 22nd 2023Based on 5- and 10-year study periods, physicians with single or multiple paid medical malpractice claims “were shown to have a greatly elevated risk of having additional paid claims during a future period,” the authors wrote.
Surprise billing regulation stuns providers, rejects congressional intent
November 17th 2021"The AACU joined 1 effort calling for the administration to remove the directive that arbiters anchor their determination to the qualifying payment amount, and instead let them consider all allowable information submitted by the parties to support their offer," says Ross E. Weber of the AACU.