Podcast series seeks to educate patients on genetic testing for prostate cancer


“So many patients with prostate cancer qualify for genetic testing, but it's currently underutilized,” says Stacy Loeb, MD, MSc.

In this video, Stacy Loeb, MD, MSc, and Veda Giri, MD, discuss a new podcast series that offers information on genetic testing for prostate cancer. A paper detailing patient reception to the podcasts was recently published in Prostate Cancer and Prostatic Diseases (https://rdcu.be/c3UEl), and new episodes of the podcast will drop on Tuesdays (https://open.spotify.com/show/4FYxW2zUgJmW8wkVbiOXBb?si=dca177dda31443f6).

Giri is division chief of Clinical Cancer Genetics for Yale Cancer Center and Smilow Cancer and assistant director of Clinical Cancer Genetics for Yale Cancer Center, New Haven, Connecticut. Loeb is a professor in the departments of urology and population health at the NYU Grossman School of Medicine, New York City, New York.

Loeb: What happened was, there's just been so much recently about prostate cancer genetics. It's been a really hot topic, because previously, it wasn't known that so much prostate cancer was caused by genetic factors. So many patients with prostate cancer qualify for genetic testing, but it's currently underutilized. We've been doing some research [into] what are some of the reasons why it's being underutilized. Some of the providers who we talked to in that research suggested that maybe a podcast series would be a good way to share more information about prostate cancer genetics.

Giri: As Dr Loeb said, this field of genetic testing, particularly for prostate cancer, has really come to the forefront. It's really important for doctors, patients, and the community to understand, what are we talking about? What does this entail? How can we communicate information about genetic testing for prostate cancer through a medium that really has been on the upswing in terms of podcasts? So we thought we would merge the 2 together in terms of delivering this information about genetic testing for prostate cancer through a [medium] like podcasts, pilot that, and see what uptake and feedback [we would receive].

This transcript has been edited for clarity.

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