As the healthcare industry faces further consolidation and industrialization, private urological practices are navigating the best ways to remain independent and continue to offer personalized, cost-effective, and operationally-efficient care. To remain competitive in this landscape, many of these community-based practice owners are wondering how advances in medical technology can aid them in this goal. It is through this investigation that many are discovering the power and potential of PCR in the treatment of Urinary Tract Infections (UTIs).
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Demystifying Vector-Based Intravesical Gene Therapy for NMIBC: A New Frontier
November 28th 2023Neal Shore, MD, FACS, is a U.S. Chief Medical Officer at GenesisCare USA and Medical Director of the Carolina Urologic Research Center. He also was an investigator on the Phase 2 and 3 studies in the clinical trial program for nadofaragene firadenovec-vncg.
The Evolution of Single-Use Urologic Endoscopy
October 21st 2021Dr. Michael Lipkin discusses a recent study conducted at Duke University Hospital that found that a new single-use cystoscope demonstrated superior flexion and comparable optics to the reusable scopes already being used in a hospital urology department.