We asked members of our editorial board what they hope to see in the world of urology in the coming year.
With 2015 coming to a close, we asked members of our editorial board what they hope to see in the world of urology in the coming year. Their wide-ranging answers touched on topics such as PSA-based prostate cancer screening, stem cell implant for the treatment of stress incontinence, and increased patient access to affordable health insurance.
"I am hopeful that our colleagues in primary care will discover there are benefits to appropriate PSA-based prostate cancer screening."
Leonard G. Gomella, MD
Thomas Jefferson University, Philadelphia
"I hope that the government works with physicians towards a more market-based health care delivery model."
Henry Rosevear, MD
Clinical Practice, Colorado Springs, CO
"I hope that we gain better knowledge on the treatment of incontinence and prolapse.
I hope that stem cell implant for the treatment of stress incontinence will be a reality."
Shlomo Raz, MD
University of California School of Medicine, Los Angeles
"I hope the ACA pays for male reproductive medical care.
I hope that urologists use endocrine stimulation prior to testicular sperm retrieval like their reproductive endocrine colleagues do for in-vitro fertilization.
I hope that urologists use the operative microscope whenever retrieving sperm from a man with azoospermia due to spermatogenic dysfunction."
Craig S. Niederberger, MD
University of Chicago
"I hope that the independent practice of urology will continue to flourish as we adapt to the rapid changes occurring in our profession, and wish that legislators and regulatory agencies recognize that independent, integrated health care models optimize value-based medicine as measured by both patient satisfaction and clinical outcomes."
Neal D. Shore, MD
Clinical Practice, Myrtle Beach, SC
"I hope to see men’s health approached in broad based, holistic fashion incorporating diet, exercise, stress reduction, and, where applicable, medical or surgical therapy."
Steven A. Kaplan, MD
Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, New York
"In a time of great change in the field of medicine, my wish is for many more years of practice in what I consider to be the most rewarding specialty in medicine. I hope that all urologists remain as grateful as I am to practice with such great colleagues and patients."
J. Brantler Thrasher, MD
University of Kansas Medical Center, Kansas City
"I hope we as urologists can continue to lead the way in broadening understanding of sexual health rights of all human beings and availing treatments that ensure this objective is achieved."
Arthur L. Burnett, II, MD, MBA
Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, Baltimore
"I hope that more of my patients will have access to affordable health insurance and not have to worry about the costs of health care."
Philip M. Hanno, MD, MPH
University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia
"I hope that Congress recognizes the central role physicians play in maintaining health care and begins to treat us with a bit more respect, provides a bit more autonomy, and increases reimbursements (but I'm not holding my breath)."
Jeffrey E. Kaufman, MD
Clinical Practice, Santa Ana, CA
"I hope to see accelerating transition to value-based care delivery models that really make a difference and truly improve patient health, rather than just dressing up current delivery models with check-boxes that really don’t do anything and waste the provider’s time."
J. Stuart Wolf, Jr., MD
University of Michigan, Ann Arbor