Dr. Nitin Yerram on a 3D modeling tool for pre-operative surgical planning


“We believe this is going to be the next rendition of how we can train physicians, as well as make surgeons more effective at their job,” says Nitin K. Yerram, MD.

In this interview, Nitin K. Yerram, MD, discusses the use of Lazarus 3D to assist in pre-operative surgical planning. Yerram is a urologic oncologist and the director of urologic research and urologic oncology at Hackensack University Medical Center in New Jersey.

Video Transcript:

Lazarus is a platform that allows us to create 3D models from patients' actual imaging scans. That's important for us as physicians and as surgeons specifically, because when we actually operate on patients, it's really the first time that we're able to see that unique organ, the first time, in real time. We've never had the ability to be able to practice on that specific patient and that specific patient's tumor. What Lazarus allows us to do is to create these 3D models that we're able to use preoperatively, and we can help surgically plan how we're going to approach the tumor, how we're going to expose the kidney, how we're going to remove the tumor, and all these different options that we can actually plan ahead of time. We believe this is going to be the next rendition of how we can train physicians, as well as make surgeons more effective at their job.

This transcription has been edited for clarity.

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