A group of researchers at Cornell University's Weill Medical College, New York is using magnetic resonance imaging technology at 7 Tesla to obtain prostate tissue images whose resolution rivals that seen with hematoxylin and eosin (H&E) stains.
Pediatric urinary microbiome composition is associated with recurrent UTI
September 10th 2024“We hope to learn more about the urinary tract and then be able to correlate predisposition to UTIs or other urological conditions with urobiome composition or marker microbe presence,” says Tatyana A. Sysoeva, PhD.
Advancing bladder cancer care: The importance of integrating mental health support
September 9th 2024"I think the fact that we're having these conversations, that they are being talked about at national meetings, and that we are bringing the patient voice into this is hugely important," says Mary W. Dunn, MSN, NP-C, OCN, RN.