Urologist shares how he counsels patients on SDD after robotic prosatectomy


"We've really found that [same-day discharge is] a reasonable option and something that many patients are really pleased by," says Brian R. Lane, MD, PhD, FACS.

In this video, Brian R. Lane, MD, PhD, FACS, shares how he counsels patients regarding same-day discharge following robotic prostatectomy. He is senior author of the recent Urology Practice paper, “Uptake of Same-Day Discharge for Patients Undergoing Robot-Assisted Radical Prostatectomy in the Michigan Urological Surgery Improvement Collaborative.” Lane is program director of MUSIC – KIDNEY. research director of urologic oncology at Corewell Health Cancer Center, and professor at Michigan State University College of Human Medicine.


How do you counsel patients regarding the SDD approach?

When I have a discussion with a new patient with prostate cancer, we're talking through multiple options. Is active surveillance most appropriate or some form of treatment? And when we're concluding on treatment and talking between surgery and radiation and other options, I try to give them a fair assessment of what our outcomes are for our physicians at our practice, and try to share with them, what are the concerns, what are the downsides of having a surgery? Specifically, I speak through the chance of complications and return to the emergency department or hospital, chance of incontinence, chance of difficulty with sexual function. But in terms of the immediate recovery, we really talk through about, you'll have a catheter about a week. Your activity may be somewhat limited for a couple weeks afterwards. Most people spend a night in the hospital, but we're offering everybody the opportunity to go home the same day if they feel comfortable with their pain level after surgery, if they feel comfortable managing their catheter. We've really found that it's a reasonable option and something that many patients are really pleased by. They don't want to stay in the hospital. They'd rather sleep in their own bed, and we've really seen in our practice that more than half of patients who are offered that option elect it.

This transcription was edited for clarity.

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