Study results fuel interest in use of alpha-blockers for stone management
May 25th 2004Results from an ex vivo study demonstrating effects of the nonselective alpha-1 receptor antagonist doxazosin (Cardura) on ureteral contractility raises questions about the role of alpha-blocker treatment in the management of ureteral stone disease, say urologists from the University of Wisconsin.
Annual meeting shows spike in attendance over 2003
May 13th 2004Total attendance at this year's AUA annual meeting in San Francisco increasedby about 1,500 over last year's meeting in Chicago, according to unauditedstatistics released on Monday. As of Monday, total professional attendanceat the meeting was 11,538, compared with 10,031 at the 2003 meeting.
CAPU targets Congress for implant reimbursements
May 13th 2004The Coalition for the Advancement of Prosthetic Urology has taken a significantstep in what is likely to be a long march toward securing equitable paymentfor urologic prostheses, said John Mulcahy, MD, chairman of CAPU's boardof directors, during a briefing held during the AUA annual meeting Tuesday.
Chromophobe TCCs have better prognosis than clear-cell, papillary tumors
May 13th 2004A large, international, multicenter study has shattered one common assumptionabout renal cell carcinoma. The overall prognosis for chromophobe carcinomasis better than for clear-cell or papillary tumors, rather than the opposite.However, all three tumor types have equivalent survival when adjusted forstage and grade.
Ureteroscopy may not be best option in larger lower-pole stones
May 13th 2004Contrary to previous retrospective studies, the use of ureteroscopy maynot be the best option for larger lower-pole stones, according to findingsfrom a prospective, randomized study presented here yesterday. Results fromthe multicenter study suggest that other treatment modalities, such as percutaneousnephrolithotomy, may offer greater efficacy in stones >10 mm.
Fresh and frozen sperm found equally efficacious for IVF
May 13th 2004It appears to make little difference whether freshor frozen sperm is used for in vitro fertilization, as both have equivalentoutcomes in terms of fertilization rates, embryo quality, and the chanceof having at least one live birth event, according to a Mayo Clinic study.
Visual imaging platform offers specialized procedures
May 12th 2004The Visera Digital Visual Imaging and Information platform from Olympusallows the physician to specialize each procedure while maintaining standardizationon the platform, creating greater operating efficiency for operating roomstaff and surgeons.
Pathology review study confirms benefit of immediate hormonal therapy
May 12th 2004Immediate hormonal therapy in patients with nodal positive prostate cancerwho have undergone radical prostatectomy and pelvic lymphadenectomy confersa survival advantage over delayed hormonal therapy, according to a centralpathology review study by Edward Messing, MD, professor of urology, andcolleagues at the University of Rochester (NY) School of Medicine and Dentistry.
No difference in efficacy, complications between SPARC and TVT forstress incontinence
May 12th 2004The suprapubic arch (SPARC) sling for stress urinary incontinencewas introduced in 2001 as a potentially simpler and safer minimally invasivesling procedure than the already popular TVT (transvaginal tape) procedure,the first of the minimally invasive slings. SPARC is placed in an antegradefashion from two small suprapubic incisions, whereas TVT uses an intravaginalapproach.
Alfuzosin improves both LUTS and sexual function
May 12th 2004A once-daily dose of the uroselective alpha-1 blocker alfuzosin (Uroxatral),10 mg, significantly reduces lower urinary tract symptoms and also appearsto have a substantial positive effect on sexual function, according to datafrom a multinational study.
Screen young, healthy infertile men for possible erectile dysfunction
May 12th 2004Young, healthy infertile men should be screenedfor possible erectile dysfunction since infertility may be the first andonly indication of an endocrine abnormality, according to researchers fromthe University of Toronto.
TRUS fails to predict outcomes of ejaculatory duct obstruction treatment
May 12th 2004Transrectal ultrasound is unable to determine whichpatients with ejaculatory duct obstruction might benefit from transurethralresection of the duct, according to Paul Turek, MD, University of California,San Francisco.
Suburethral sling offers resistance to traction
May 11th 2004Mentor's Ob-Tape is a suburethral sling used for the trans-obturatortechnique. The sling is made from 100% non-woven polypropylene fibers, whichoffer resistance to traction, tissue colonization, and facilitates positioningduring surgery, according to the company.