Urology Malpractice: What is the role of an expert witness in litigation?
July 2nd 2021“If we allow a cardiologist to be critical of a family medicine practitioner, there's a chance that they're being held to an unreasonable standard that doesn't apply to their day to day, which is why that requirement is in place for most but not all states,” says Kenton H. Steele Esq.
Stone management apps compared
June 24th 2021“While patient facing apps hold great potential to support self-management behaviors, particularly in stone disease, thoughtful consideration across an array of domains should really be taken prior to supporting or even recommending one of these apps to a patient,” says Jared S. Winoker, MD.
Six Sigma methodology and operating room efficiency: Where can gains be made in urology?
June 20th 2021“It's important for any urologist to gain a broader exposure and awareness to the tools and techniques available to help improve efficiency in the operating room and reduce the amount of wasteful time in between cases,” says Niki N. Parikh, MD, MBA, MSBA.
What factors drive burnout among health care providers?
April 19th 2021“I think one of the issues that we face as physicians…is during training, long hours and a lack of control over our schedule indoctrinates surgeons with habits that may be counterproductive to achieving life balance after entering practice,” says Raj S. Pruthi, MD, MHA FACS.